
Mathias was born in Cannes, where he spent a difficult childhood in the intolerable heat and good weather of the south of France. After a couple of years living in Nice, he left for Paris to go to University, where he pretended to study engineering while spending as much time as possible in cinemas.

It is therefore not a surprise that after three years, instead of a nice career analyzing cement samples or dealing with highly toxic chemicals, the only job Mathias could get was in finance. So once again, he packed his bags, and headed south to Madrid.

Less than two years later, exhausted by too much good food, too little sleep, and in peril of never leaving the treacherous Spanish way of life, Mathias escaped to Paris where he lived for a little while before crossing the channel and settling down in London.

After seven years, Mathias moved for love to New York City, where he had always dreamt of living as a teenager, and where he currently resides with his wife, photographing and web-dilettante-designing away.